One of the plants that we can find everywhere is bananas. Every part of the banana plant has some amount of health benefits. It is also an excellent digestive, aids bowel movement and contains good fibre for your gut. Rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin C, it helps our body absorb iron better, increasing the haemoglobin count and overall blood and cardiovascular health. However, bananas are mainly consumed for their green iron content and potassium content when ripe. Several ingredients in banana roots make banana roots very beneficial for health. The roots of this plant contain Serotonin, Norepinephrine, Tannins, Hydroxytryptamine, Dopamine, and Vitamins A, B and C. Chief Dietician, Dr Sushma PS, Jindal Naturecure Institute, Bangalore,shares banana roots’ benefits, uses and effects.

Benefits Of Banana Roots And Stem

  1. Improves eyesight: Many laboratory research results show that the roots of bananas can enhance the quality of vision. So, in addition to the content of its rich vitamin A and other ingredients that are good for the eyes, people can use the root as an alternative treatment for their eyes.
  2. Overcomes gastro colic heat: Many people often experience irritation in their stomach; the heat here does not mean a burning sensation but an unpleasant and disturbing pain in the stomach. Banana root has content that can relieve and soothe the stomach.
  3. Provocative drug: Starting from ancient times, when the ancestors used other alternatives besides the sap from the banana midrib as an inflammation medicine, it turns out that banana roots are also a powerful way to overcome inflammation.
  4. Improves skin: Because of its high vitamin C content, banana roots can remedy skin problems such as itching, pimples and other skin problems. This is because vitamin C content is effective in overcoming skin disorders.
  5. Kidney stones: Consuming 50 ml of banana root juice helps to detoxify the kidneys. This can be done every week. However, one should use this juice regularly for a month to treat kidney stones.
  6. Mouth ulcer relief: The banana root also helps relieve annoying mouth ulcers.


  1. Drug Interactions: If people are taking medications that interact with potassium, such as certain blood pressure medications, consult your healthcare provider before consuming or using banana roots. Bananas are high in potassium, and excessive intake may interfere with certain medications.
  2. Allergies: Some individuals are allergic to bananas or related fruits. If you have a known allergy to bananas, it’s advisable to avoid consuming or using any part of the banana plant, including the roots.

Side Effects Of Banana Root

  1. Cavity: If bananas, including their roots, are consumed excessively or not follow by proper oral hygiene, they can contribute to cavities as they contain natural sugars. It’s essential to maintain good dental hygiene to minimize this risk.
  2. Asthmatic people should stay away: Avoid eating banana roots if you are asthmatic or allergic to plant parts like pollen. The latex in it causes hypersensitivity, leading to the self-attack of cells.
  3. Type 2 Diabetes: Excess consumption of bananas or their roots may cause type 2 diabetes. People already who have diabetes should avoid this.