
Jindal Naturecure Institute (JNI) will make every effort to carry out its drugless, non-invasive health care service with reasonable care and skill. However, you should not rely solely upon the information given herein, and should always consult other specialists and take medical advices from such competent authorities as you know of, before you decide to take an important decision of using Institute’s service and skill

This section states the “Disclaimer” under which you may use www.jindalnaturecure.in (the “website”). Please read this page carefully. If you do not understand the Disclaimer stated here, do not use this website and our services and in such case its use may be at your own risk. By using the Website, you are indicating your acceptance of the following Disclaimer. Jindal Naturecure Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka may revise this Disclaimer at any time by updating this posting.

However , the Institute works with  a service motto and  devoted to  reaching every cross-section of the society  and therefore into social service and by itself is a societal asset ,  and in order to protect its assets for the benefit of patients coming from all over the world ,  the Institute  imposes the following conditions of the health care service provided , and the following limits on the Institute’s  liability.

  • No condition is made or to be implied nor is any warranty given or to be implied as to the degree of improvement or result or that the result will be up to the imagination or expectation of the beneficiary or his/ her next of kin out of treatment and stay in the Institute
  • Jindal Naturecure Institute and its staff accept no responsibility for the use which you make of Institute’s advice or information which they give, of opinions which they express, or of treatment and therapies of which they administer.
  • The Institute’s liability arising out of the therapies and exercises ,  and use of materials and gadgets it uses , out of  giving of advice and information, and out of the expression of opinions, will not extend to loss of health or  to any indirect or consequential damages or losses.
  • In any event, the Institute’s maximum liability to you shall not exceed the return of whatever payments you make for the disputed service and not for stay in Institute’s accommodation.
  • Without prejudice to any right which you may have to claim against the Institute, you promise not to sue any individual officer, employee or agent of the Institute for anything connected with the medical service.
  • If any of the preceding paragraphs (1)-(5) is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable statue or rule of law under the jurisdiction of Bangalore, Karnataka, or by mutual consent between you and the Institute, then it shall be deemed to be omitted, and if as a result the Institute becomes liable for loss or damage which would otherwise have been excluded, then such liability shall be limited to only the cost of disputed treatment, therapies or service.
  • The website may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by the institute of the content on such third party websites. JNI is not responsible for the content of linked third party websites and does not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites.


Office of the Administrative Officer

Jindal NatureCure Institute

Bangalore 560073


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