Latin Name: Camellia Sinensis

Common Name: Green Tea

Properties: Anti-viral, antioxidant, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic, analgesic, astringent, cardio tonic, digestive, nervine and carminative.

Green tea benefits:

Green tea has been the focus of exciting new studies indicating its effectiveness in raising metabolism for weight loss and preventing & fighting cancer and other disease with its super antioxidants. It has a long list of potential health benefits and is used to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, boost the immune system, prevent ulcers, control inflammation, viral colds and flu, prevents gum disease, cavities, and bad breath. It is also indicated for lowering cholesterol, preventing heart disease, osteoporosis and blood clots.

Green tea is well-established as a potent source of healing antioxidants called polyphenols, the same beneficial compounds found in fruits and vegetables. The leaf also boasts the presence of a superstar antioxidant called EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) as well as other notable healing substances including fluoride, catechins, and tannins. Green tea also contains an antioxidant known as polyphenols which fight against free radicals. What this means is it helps you fight against aging and promotes longevity. The antioxidant in green tea protects the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which cause wrinkling and skin aging. Green tea also helps fight against skin cancer.

Tannins are thought to help the body discharge toxins due to pollution and to accelerate the metabolism of fats.

Chemical analysis has revealed that green tea contains significant amounts of water-soluble vitamins and minerals, particularly zinc, manganese, potassium, niacin, folic acid and vitamin C. In fact, one cup of green tea has more vitamin C than an orange. Researchers at the University of Kansas attributed green tea with 100 times the antioxidant strength of vitamin C and 25 times that of vitamin E. A United States Department of Agriculture study found .that the antioxidant capacity of green tea is better than twenty-two various fruits and vegetables.

Green tea is made up of catechin compounds that act as an anti-oxidant. It helps in burning fat and reducing body weight. This means you can lose more calories without having to chalk out time for that 30-minute jogging every day. Catechin found in green tea can kill bacteria which cause food poisoning and kill the toxins produced by those bacteria.

As per research conducted worldwide, your diet should contain a high amount of flavanoids to improve blood circulation. A cup of green tea is your best solution at reducing blood pressure and developing a healthy heart. It has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol because its potent antioxidant effects inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.

The formation of abnormal blood clots (thrombosis) is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke, and green tea has been shown to inhibit abnormal blood clot formation as effectively as aspirin.

Type II diabetes is a disease that has reached epidemic proportions in the past few decades and now afflicts about 300 million people worldwide. This disease involves having elevated blood sugar levels in the context of insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.

Studies show that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels

Green tea’s powerful antioxidants have been found to reduce lung cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, stroke and heart attack risks. To add an extra boost, squeeze in a lemon – the vitamin C helps your body absorb more of the antioxidants.

By consuming green tea on a regular basis you can reduce the risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It also keeps a check on your cholesterol level and promotes healthy and strong bones. Antioxidants in green tea helps prevent against cell damage in the brain which could cause Parkinson’s. People drinking green tea also are less likely to progress with Parkinson’s.

The eye, like any part of the body, can suffer oxidative stress making it more prone to disease. What if you could just add some green tea to your daily diet regimen to combat this? A 2010 study found that components in green tea positively affected the tissues of the eyes, especially tissue related to the retina. Drink on green tea lovers and protect your precious eyeballs!

Green tea destroys bacteria and viruses that cause many dental diseases. It also slows the growth of bacteria which leads to bad breath.

Green tea contains caffeine and as such should not be used in large quantities while pregnant or nursing or by people who are not allowed caffeine.