Although there is no one diet that is best for women, there are some areas to consider when it comes to boosting women’s health especially new mothers who are recovering from pregnancy, labour and delivery while also working hard to maintain the health and happiness of her family. Here are some tips

If you are a mother and professional, your need for proper nutrition becomes even more important because of the additional responsibilities that come with these two demanding roles therefore, ensuring healthy and high protein eating habits to keep your body fit both mentally and physically is crucial. People of both genders require a well-balanced diet for good health and well-being and although there is no one diet that is best for women, there are some areas to consider when it comes to boosting women’s health.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dt Sushma PS, from Jindal Naturecure Institute in Bangalore, shared, “Women’s bodies require different nutrients than men’s bodies. Because their nutrient requirements change, so does their diet. Essentially, women’s bodies require fats and carbs, with protein being one of the macronutrients required for biological function.”

She suggested, “The diet should include a variety of colourful vegetables, legumes like beans and peas, fruits (mostly whole fruits), protein foods, soy products, nuts and seeds, grains (at least half of which should be whole grains), unsweetened dairy products like milk and yoghurt, and healthy fats like olive oil, almonds, seed mix, and coconut. Avoid intake of snacks heavy in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. A healthy diet entails more than just limiting calories and portion sizes; it also entails paying attention to the ingredients and their nutritional composition.”

In India, most mothers are suffering from anaemia and either they are expecting or just had a baby but 50% of the problems health problems related to anaemia can be dealt with an improved and balanced diet. The dietician recommended, “A diet full of beans, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, Dried fruits, such as raisins and apricots, Iron-fortified cereals and vitamin C-rich fruits is beneficial for treating anaemia.”

According to naturopathy, a Satvik diet soothes and nourishes the body and mind and also helps keep the mind calm and steady, thereby countering stress and anxiety. A satvik diet is largely plant-based consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, lentils, natural sugars as well as health-promoting herbs.

Dt Sushma PS highlighted, “Herbs such as lavender and chamomile help relieve anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness, and other stress-related symptoms such as muscle spasms and poor digestion. Similarly, cinnamon, garlic, turmeric, ginger, basil, black seed etc help the body fight inflammation and oxidative stress.”

According to Dt Neha Pathania from Paras Hospitals in Gurugram, everyone should eat well but new mothers who are recovering from pregnancy, labour and delivery while also working hard to maintain the health and happiness of her family should pay extra attention.” She listed the following recommendations that all new mothers can use to make sure they eat healthily:

1. Stock up on nutritious food. You’ll be more likely to eat the way you should if your refrigerator and cupboards are stocked with nutritious goods. Concentrate on nutrient-dense foods, like:

-whole grains

-proteins and lean meats

-fresh vegetables and fruits (the darker the color, the more nutrients it likely has)

-fat-free dairy (unless your doctor recommends full-fat dairy for you)

-nuts, beans

2. Pick nutritious snacks like whole, fresh fruit, nuts, veggies, cottage cheese, and crackers made from whole grains.

3.Avoid fad diets and calorie counting and instead concentrate on getting enough of the good things while limiting the bad. A lot of calories are necessary, but the majority of those calories should come from complete meals.

4.A nutritious breakfast is essential to boosting metabolism, enhancing cognitive function, and assisting with healthier food selections throughout the day. The perfect meal has complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein.

For breastfeeding mothers

5. Obtain plenty liquids. When breastfeeding, most women do notice they are thirstier. To quench your thirst, consume plenty of liquids, such as milk, juice, and water.

6. To acquire the calories, vitamins, and minerals you need to stay healthy, eat a variety of meals. While nursing, experts advise consuming at least 2,000 calories daily.

7. It’s advised to refrain from drinking alcohol when breast-feeding or pumping milk. Alcohol can harm your infant and infiltrate the milk supply.

8. It’s advised to refrain from using tobacco while breast- or breast-pump-feeding. Tobacco use can make a baby’s heart beat more quickly and cause them to be restless, vomit, or have diarrhoea. Nicotine and its metabolites also enter into milk.

9. Your baby may get nervous or fussy and have trouble falling asleep after consuming caffeinated beverages, When nursing, mostly sip caffeine-free liquids. If you can’t live without coffee, try keeping your daily intake to two eight-ounce portions.