Winter may not be so pleasant for those with arthritis as cold temperature can worsen their joint pain. Joint discomfort or stiffness is a common complaint during winter. Hence, it is crucial to take care of joint health by eating well and exercising frequently.

Joint pain might become worse with weather changes. The decrease in atmospheric surface tension coupled with inactivity during the season may make joint pain and stiffness worse. Aching joints can be caused by a variety of conditions, including arthritis, other autoimmune disorders, frozen shoulder and injuries,” Dr. Rajeev Rajesh, Chief Yoda Officer, Jindal Naturecure Institute, tells TheHealthSite.

The expert also suggests some foods to include in your diet to improve joint health and a few yoga asanas you can do to increase joint flexibility and reduce pain in winter. Excerpts follow:

How diet and yoga can help deal with joint pain

Taking preventive action is the best way to maintain healthy joint function throughout life. That’s where a healthy diet and yoga can play a crucial role. A well-balanced diet can help prevent and control joint pain: by taming free radicals, fighting infection, controlling inflammation and lowering immune-system reactivity. On the other hand, the ancient science of yoga can reduce joint pain, improve joint flexibility and function and lower stress and tension to promote better sleep.

Diet for joint pain: Foods to eat and avoid

Although there isn’t a precise diet for lowering joint pain, over time, people have discovered some foods that work well in this regard and can help. A key component of the diet plan for joint pain is healthy eating, which includes consuming lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables.

Vegetables with high protein content, such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, can help reduce joint pain. Diallyl Disulfide is a substance found in foods like onions and garlic that is very effective and can treat a variety of illnesses, including joint pain. One can always snack on a handful of nuts like almonds, walnut, pistachio, black grapes etc. which can certainly form an important part of the diet for joint pain.

One should always avoid eating deeply fried and processed foods. It is also important to try and cut out on refined carbs, sugars and dairy products as they can contribute to an increase in joint pain due to the proteins they contain.

Yoga for joint pain: Best asanas and how to do them right

Yoga is more than just asanas; it takes many different forms. It combines meditation, breathing exercises, and other yogic techniques. Yoga can help people maintain flexibility, minimise bodily aches and pains and prevent stiffness with regular practice.

Yoga promotes blood circulation by stretching and contracting the muscles, veins, and glands. This forces the lactic acid layer surrounding the muscles and glands to move rather than congregate in one spot. Yoga can therefore increase joint mobility and promote blood flow to the muscles. Here are some yoga poses to try during the winter season to promote joint flexibility and reduce pain:

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

How to do:

  • Lie on the belly with the arms beside the body
  • Now, inhale and lift the legs and upper torso
  • Keep the knees straight and lift the leg upwards
  • Rest the arms alongside the body with palms facing down
  • The body weight should rest on the pelvis, belly and lower ribs
  • Hold this pose for a few breaths. Exhale and bring the legs and head down to the floor.

Bhujangasna (Cobra Pose)

How to do:

  • Lie down on the stomach
  • Raise the trunk and head supported by the palms
  • Bend the arms at the elbows
  • Arch the neck and look upward gently
  • Make sure that the stomach is pressed on the floor
  • Put pressure on the toes by pressing them onto the floor
  • Hold the asana for 5 seconds.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

How to do:

  • Stand with the feet slightly apart while keeping the feet balanced on both feet
  • Inhale and raise the arms above the head
  • Interlock the fingers with the palms facing up
  • Exhale and raise the shoulders towards the ears Rollback the shoulders and lower the spine while straightening the posture and opening the chest
  • Return to the starting position

Take-away message

Yoga’s gentle, non-straining movements can enhance both flexibility and stability in the joints. Now some studies even point to diet as a factor in helping reduce joint pain and perhaps even playing a role in prevention. Therefore, eat healthily and keep practising yoga on a daily basis to keep joint pain at bay during the winter season.