JNI is a destination Naturopathy hospital for healing, and it is important that you get the full benefit of our facilities seamlessly, without being bothered with trifles.
Shirts: Bangalore morning is rather cool. Hence, we suggest you to bring a full sleeve T-shirt for summer days, and light woolen garments for winter days.
Shoes & track suits: You need to walk a lot, hence a pair of walking shoes, socks and track-suits is important to bring.
Yoga dress: Yoga has its pride of place in JNI and is an essential therapeutic activity; hence please bring a appropriate yoga attire.
Towels and toiletries are not provided in Economy Rooms. Please bring those if you will be staying in this section. You can even buy these from our shop on the campus, in case you do miss out on bringing these.
Swim wear: Please bring at least one swimsuit as you may be prescribed to take Aquatic Yoga classes or may even like to use our pool for swimming.
Costumes/ Instruments: If you are a performing artist, and want to participate in our cultural programme, please bring your instruments or costumes. You will have more than 400 connoisseurs as an audience
Medical Report: Please do not forget to bring your latest medical report, if requested, by our doctors. Your admission may be denied if data in the application does not commensurate with factual.
Jewellery and valuables: Although there is a private locker in all rooms and complete safety within the campus, we recommend that you leave your jewellery and valuables at home. JNI does not take responsibility for loss of any valuable items brought unsolicited.
Addictive items like wine bottles, cigarettes, any other tobacco items etc. and undisclosed drugs. Those will be confiscated and destroyed by our Security guards forthwith.
Outside food: Possession of outside food/eatables of any kind, both non-vegetarian and vegetarian, is prohibited in the campus and may lead to ouster with penalty and ban for future admissions.
Any or all other items prohibited by law of the land, or disturbing to the peace and tranquility of the campus.
Mobile Phone: Please enable yourself benefit from our treatments by switching off your mobile phones and electronic devices when you are in activity areas like Treatment/ Therapy Sections, Kriya Centre, Diet Centre, Doctors’ Consultation areas, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture Treatment areas etc.
Playing card anywhere in the campus is prohibited.
Gifts /Tips: Payment of gratuity or gift to any of our staff in the Institute is a serious offence, which may lead to discharge of the patient and the beneficiary may lose the job.
Out pass: Once you begin your treatment at JNI, please avoid asking for a pass to go out of the campus during your stay here, unless there is an emergency.
Avoid doing business during your stay with us.


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