Detoxification Treatment

Detox or detoxification is a process that involves the removal of unwanted substances or toxins from the body. Naturally, the liver in the body does this function. In some cases, if the unwanted substance in the body are very high or if the livers function is disrupted, then we need to go for detoxification treatment to remove the toxins. Improper food habits, hectic lifestyle and irregular exercise also contribute to the increasing levels of toxins in the blood.

When Should You Go for Detoxification Treatments?

If you observe most or all of the below symptoms, then you may have to go for a detox.

  • Unexplained tiredness and fatigue
  • Puffy eyes (bags under eyes)
  • Bloating
  • Mental confusion
  • Skin allergies or other allergies
  • Improper bowel movement
  • Minor infections
  • Menstrual problems


What are the Natural Detox Treatments?

 Food : You can naturally detox your body by eating the right foods. Foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, non-starchy vegetables and certain fruits help naturally detox the body. For best results, you need to consult a dietician to plan a detox diet.

Fasting: Fasting is one of the traditional detox methods. There are various kinds of fasting –not eating anything, just having fluids, eating one meal a day. Regular fasting is good for the gut and overall health.

Colon Hydrotherapy: If there are solid wastes, undigested food or other materials stuck in the gut, these home remedies may not be very effective. You can take up naturopathy treatment like colon hydrotherapy. In this treatment, warm water is passed under gentle pressure into the colon to remove the encrusted matter, gas, mucus and other substances lodged in the intestines. This method can naturally remove up to 22 kinds of toxins from the digestive system.


Jindal Naturecure Institute offers Holistic Treatment for Detoxification

Jindal naturopathy hospital offers natural detoxification treatment. Our holistic treatment procedure involves colon hydrotherapy, nutritional therapy, yoga, pranayama and meditation for a natural detox. The treatment plan we suggest is personalised for each patient based on their lifestyle, food habits, medical history and other parameters. Our treatment methods involve identifying the root cause of the toxins in your body and suggesting the best ways to remove them and prevent their accumulation in the body.

Jindal nature cure hospital is located in a vast campus just outskirt of Bangalore on Tumkur road. The huge campus is home to a great number of trees, plants and birds. We provide luxurious villa accommodation for patients who stay with us to take up the various naturopathy treatments that we offer. Visit our campus or fill the online form on our website to apply for treatment.


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