
Physiotherapy is an essential component in JNI’s drugless regimen, as it is capable of treating specific diseases, injuries, or incapacities by using physical methods such as massage, heat through electrotherapy at various range, and exercise without using drugs or surgery. In fact its usefulness to promote mobility and bodily functions of patients down with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), or pain emanating out of other reasons is widely recognised in the medical world. At JNI, upon examination and diagnosis, our expert physiotherapists intervene to treat specific complaints of the patients towards relief – the aim being always to restore optimal mobility of the suffering patients so as to improve the quality of their life.

Physiotherapy is universally accepted as a primary care treatment in most of the pain related conditions. In more complicated cases, it is used alongside, or in conjunction with other treatments, and at JNI, with other drugless therapies such as naturopathy and acupuncture.

Our physiotherapists, apart from clinical practice, help patients understand the causes which had led them to such condition, and through consultation and demonstration, guide them as to how to maintain the relief achieved at JNI, so that patients can retain the benefits gained here even after leaving JNI.

Pain Management in Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective treatment methods for treating and preventing pain and injury of various sources. The specific, purpose-driven exercises and manipulations can remove pain, strengthen muscles, prevent recurrence, and improve bodily function remarkably.

Based on the diagnosis and the condition of a patient, varied methods are practiced by physiotherapists to treat them. In many cases, it can also take care of chronic inflammation and swelling most effectively.

Physical therapy has a unique contribution to degenerative problems as also women-specific problems that include osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lymphoedema (insufficient fluid flow in lymph) fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial pain, urinary incontinence etc. While drugs fail miserably, physiotherapy can be most successfully administered in these cases both with advanced equipments and manual intervention.

Jindal Naturecure Institute has one of the most advanced Physiotherapy sections which can treat wide range of conditions with following equipment’s:

Latest Zamar H & C Therapy, Endo – Diathermy, IFT with wide range of variation of degree of electrotherapy as per need of the patient, CryoT Shock, advanced Class 4 High Power Laser for acute pain, Shock Wave Therapy for muscle spasm, Cryo- Flow for sprain cases as also to release Myofascial trigger points, Whole Spine Deep Dynamic Wave Therapy and High Tone Power Therapy for diabetic neuropathy, poly neuropathy, and obesity cases. For all kinds of musculoskeletal dysfunction, there are advanced equipments like USB Bio Feed Back and also Impressor – pressure therapy for restless leg syndrome, Russian & Biphasic procedure in treating specific muscle injury and urinary incontinence. Besides, our expert physiotherapists will guide you how to take and practice various exercises, such as Kegel, Posture care etc. at home.

Physiotherapy is practiced on a global scale. It is safe and helpful for even children and people of advanced age with disabilities.



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